Tubará – Activities for everyone
Tubará boasts beautiful landscapes that combine soft hills covered by the changing colors of the tropical dry forest, which merge harmoniously with the aquamarine blues of the Caribbean Sea. In addition to the charm of the landscape, the following attractions are worth visiting:
- The colonial church of San José de Tubará
- The Chorro de San Luis
- The petroglyphs of Piedra Pintada
- The Viewpoint of Tubará
- The Sanctuary of La Paz
- The Plaza de las Madres, a tribute to the strength of women and the Mokaná heritage.
The town of La Chorrera stands out for the exuberant work of women artisans, who skillfully weave vibrant threads into backpacks, cushions, and various decorative pieces adorned with breathtaking designs. Many of these exquisite creations are exported to Europe. While in La Chorrera, don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in yucca doughnuts, a delectable local delicacy deserving of your palate.
In Baranoa, colorful masks are made to enhance the joy of the Barranquilla Carnival. Every year, bulls, elephants, bears, tigers, lions, ocelots, giraffes, gorillas and other animals of the African fauna parade in the carnival. In addition to the vibrant spectacle, Baranoa offers refreshing lemonades infused with the tantalizing flavors of tropical fruits.
Usiacurí is renowned for its exquisite handicrafts woven from iraca palm. Esteemed designers such as Silvia Tcherassi and Hernán Zajar have been inspired by the beauty of Usiacurí’s craftsmanship, incorporating it into their prestigious collections.
Recommended Activities
Kitesurfing involves the use of a traction kite, to which the athlete is securely attached via a harness, enabling them to glide across the water using a board, akin to surfing. Often dubbed an extreme sport, kitesurfing promises an adrenaline-fueled experience amidst the breathtaking backdrop of nature.

La Caracola está a 5 minutos caminando de la playa más cercana. Un playa natural, poco concurrida y de baja intervención.
A 10 minutos en carro está la playa Salinas del Rey donde se realizan campeonatos mundiales de kiterufing. A 15 minutos se encuentra la Marina de Puerto Velero, punto de partida para la navegación hacia el Gran Caribe y también centro de diversos deportes náuticos: kitesurfing, paddle, esquí náutico y kayak.
En el aeródromo Los Campanos podrás experimentar la adrenalina del paracaidismo en tandem con profesionales experimentados. Es una de las pocas escuelas de paracaidismo en el mundo donde aterrizas en la playa. Allí también se imparten clases de aviación con fines recreativos.
La Caracola is a 5 minute walk from the nearest beach – a natural beach, not very crowded and of low intervention.
Just a short 10-minute drive away lies Salinas del Rey beach, renowned for hosting world kitesurfing championships. Venture a bit further, and you’ll reach Puerto Velero Marina in 15 minutes—a bustling hub for various water sports such as kitesurfing, paddleboarding, water skiing, and kayaking, as well as the gateway to sailing adventures in the Grand Caribbean.
For the ultimate adrenaline rush, head to Los Campanos aerodrome, where you can experience tandem skydiving under the guidance of experienced professionals. As one of the few skydiving schools globally where you can land directly on the beach, it offers an unparalleled thrill. Additionally, aviation enthusiasts can partake in recreational flying classes at the aerodrome.
La Caracola se trouve à 5 minutes à pied de la plage la plus proche. Il s’agit d’une plage naturelle, peu fréquentée et sans intervention.
À 10 minutes en voiture se trouve la plage de Salinas del Rey, où se déroulent les championnats du monde de kiterufing. À 15 minutes se trouve la marina de Puerto Velero, point de départ de la navigation vers la Grande Caraïbe et centre de divers sports nautiques : kitesurf, paddle, ski nautique et kayak.
À l’aérodrome de Los Campanos, vous pouvez faire l’expérience de la montée d’adrénaline du saut en parachute en tandem avec des professionnels expérimentés. C’est l’une des rares écoles de parachutisme au monde où l’on atterrit sur la plage. Des cours d’aviation y sont également dispensés à des fins récréatives.
La Caracola si trova a 5 minuti a piedi dalla spiaggia più vicina. Una spiaggia naturale, poco affollata e con pochi interventi.
A 10 minuti di auto si trova la spiaggia di Salinas del Rey, dove si svolgono i campionati mondiali di kiterufing. A 15 minuti di distanza si trova la Marina di Puerto Velero, punto di partenza per la navigazione verso i Grandi Caraibi e anche centro per vari sport acquatici: kitesurf, paddle, sci nautico e kayak.
All’aerodromo di Los Campanos si può provare l’adrenalina del paracadutismo in tandem con professionisti esperti. È una delle poche scuole di paracadutismo al mondo in cui si atterra sulla spiaggia. Vi si tengono anche lezioni di aviazione a scopo ricreativo.
Отель La Caracola находится в 5 минутах ходьбы от ближайшего пляжа. Это естественный, немноголюдный пляж с низким уровнем вмешательства.
В 10 минутах езды находится пляж Салинас-дель-Рей, где проводятся чемпионаты мира по кайтерфингу. В 15 минутах езды находится пристань Пуэрто-Велеро, отправная точка для плавания на Большом Карибском море, а также центр различных водных видов спорта: кайтсерфинга, паддла, водных лыж и каякинга.
На аэродроме Лос-Кампанос вы можете испытать прилив адреналина, совершив тандемный прыжок с парашютом в сопровождении опытных профессионалов. Это одна из немногих школ парашютизма в мире, где вы приземляетесь на пляж. Здесь также проводятся уроки авиации в развлекательных целях.
- Climate: tropical steppe
- Vegetation: tropical dry forest
- Average temperature: 28 ºC
- Total extension: 103 km².
- Altitude: 95 m
- Reference distance: 38 km from Barranquilla
Usiacurí is a pretty little town that became famous for its medicinal mineral waters.
Usiacurí is well known for the weaving of handicrafts in iraca palm. World-class designers such as Silvia Tcherassi and Hernán Zajar have incorporated the beauty of Usiacurí’s handicrafts into their collections.
Usiacurí es un bonito pueblito que se hizo famoso por sus aguas minerales medicinales.
Usiacurí es reconocido por el tejido de artesanías en palma de iraca. Diseñadores de talla mundial como Silvia Tcherassi y Hernán Zajar han incorporado la belleza de las artesanías de Usiacurí dentro de sus colecciones.
Usiacurí est une jolie petite ville qui est devenue célèbre pour ses eaux minérales médicinales.
Usiacurí est réputé pour le tissage d’objets artisanaux en palme d’iraca. Des créateurs de renommée mondiale, tels que Silvia Tcherassi et Hernán Zajar, ont intégré la beauté de l’artisanat d’Usiacurí dans leurs collections.
Usiacurí è una graziosa cittadina che è diventata famosa per le sue acque minerali medicinali.
Usiacurí è rinomata per la tessitura di manufatti in palma iraca. Designer di classe mondiale come Silvia Tcherassi e Hernán Zajar hanno incorporato la bellezza dell’artigianato di Usiacurí nelle loro collezioni.
Усякуре – красивый город, известный своими минеральными водами, очень мало туристический. Там вы можете посетить дом поэта Хулио Флореса.
Усякуре славится плетением ремесел в пальме ирка. Дизайнеры мирового класса, такие как Сильвия Черасси и Хернан Заджар, включили красоту ремесел Усякуре в свои коллекции.
Piedra Pintada
In the rural area of Tubará, which in the indigenous language translates as the place where the chiefs meet, is the village of El Morro, where the journey to Piedra Pintada begins.

Piedra Pintada is a sacred place for indigenous people on the Colombian north coast. To reach this hallowed ground, one must board a bus headed for El Morro village. From there, a brief twenty-minute hike guides you to the site, where ancient petroglyphs, crafted by indigenous hands centuries ago, offer a window into their rich cultural heritage.
Piedra Pintada es un lugar sagrado para los indígenas en la costa norte colombiana. Hay que tomar un autobus para ir al pueblo de El Morro. Luego, una pequeña caminata, de unos veinte minutos, lo llevara al lugar, donde puede ver algunos petroglifos que dejó la comunidad indígena hace cientos de años.
Piedra Pintada est un lieu sacré pour les indigènes de Colombie. II faut prendre un bus pour vous rendre au village d’El Morro. Puis une petite randonnèe, d’une vingtaine de minutes, vous amène a l’endroit, où vous pourrez voir quelques pétroglyphes laissés par la communauté indigène il y a des centaines d’années.
Piedra Pintada è un luogo sacro per gli indigeni sulla costa nord colombiana. Dovresti prendere un autobus per andare al villaggio di El Morro. Quindi una piccola camminata, circa una ventina di minuti, ti conduce nel luogo, dove puoi vedere alcuni petroglifi lasciati dalla comunità indigena centinaia di anni fa.
Пьедра Пинтада – священное место для коренных жителей северного побережья Колумбии. Чтобы туда добраться, сядьте на автобус до деревни Эль Морро. Затем двадцатиминутная прогулка приведет вас к скалам, на которых вы увидите петроглифы, оставленные коренными жителями сотни лет назад.
El chorro del corral de San Luís
A beautiful place located four kilometers from the town of Tubará.
El Chorro del Corral de San Luis is situated four kilometers from the center of San Luis village. There you will find a natural pool of crystalline water and a waterfall.
A cuatro kilémetros del casco urbano del pueblo de San Luis está El Chorro del Corral de San Luis, donde hay una piscina natural de agua cristalina servida por una cascada.
El Chorro del Corral de San Luis est situé à quatre kilometres du centre du village de San Luis. Vous y trouverez une piscine naturelle d’eau cristalline et une cascade.
El Chorro del Corral de San Luis si trova a quattro chilometri dal centro del villaggio di San Luis. Lì troverai una piscina naturale di acqua cristallina e una cascata.
Эль Чорро дель Коррал де Сан Луис расположен в четырех километрах от центра деревни Сан Луис. Там вы найдете природный бассейн с кристально чистой водой и водопад.
Volcán de Lodo

This mud volcano is an exotic activity of the area. Visitors can immerse themselves in the therapeutic mud baths and then enjoy a refreshing swim in a serene lotus lake nearby.
Este volcán de lodo es una actividad exótica de la zona. Aquí puede bañarse en el barro y después nadar en un pequeño lago de loto.
Ce volcan de boue est une activité dépaysante du coin. Ici vous avez une occasion de vous baigner dans de la boue et de vous laver après dans un petit lac de lotus.
Questo vulcano di fango è un’attivita esotica della zona. Qui puoi fare un bagno nel fango e dopo nuotare in un piccolo lago di loto.
Этот грязевой вулкан – местная достопримечательность. Здесь вы можете принять грязевую ванну, а потом искупаться в озере с лотосами.
Our guests are saying
A special and spectacular place to rest and forget about stress. A very cozy house for the whole family. I always go with my group of friends and have unforgettable moments.
Cozy, La Caracola House opens doors for visitors to rise to the Caribbean sun. Located in Palmarito on the shores of the Caribbean under perfect blue skies, and adorned with the white foam of the sea staining the caliginous walls.
To experience a retreat in La Caracola is a stop along the way, an experience to renew energies. Sharing with very beautiful people, making new friends.
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Viking size cabins from Denmark
We have space available!
Contact us immediately and don’t miss the reservation for this season, we always have a full house and would love for you to be part of our seasonal family at Casa Caracola.
57- 317 284 6816
Km 76, Palmarito, Tubará, 1 hour to Cartagena and Barranquilla's airport.
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